Still haven’t touched meat

This past Monday, we discussed the food industry and its impact on the environment. Through our assigned readings and watching the movie Cowspiracy, which I really recommend, I was informed about the extreme amount of pollution that animal husbandry causes. What was appalling to me is the fact that many environmental organizations are not telling this to people. In all of their suggestions of how to live a more sustainable and environmentally conscious life, reducing ones consumption of meat is never addressed.

I have watched many gruesome videos of animal slaughterhouses and have been aware of animal welfare for a number of years. I purchase free-range chicken and cage-free eggs and when I do consume beef I only buy grass-fed. But despite these conscious decisions, eating as much meat as I do is not sustainable. One of the parts of Cowspiracy that really stood out to me was the fact that one cannot be a true environmentalist and still consume meat. Regardless of the fact that the cow had a happier life and ate grass, it actually takes more water and resources  to raise the grass-fed calf into a full-grown adult when compared to a grain-fed adult. I realized how silly I had been all of these years. Yes, I understood that my meat purchases allowed for the animals to live happier lives, but I didn’t take into account the resources consumed, land used, and pollutants produced in the process.

I enjoy the idea of being a flexitarianism. I don’t think that I can fully commit to being vegetarian right away, but I enjoy vegetarian food and meat alternatives. Luckily, I am lactose intolerant so I don’t need to worry about reducing my dairy-product intake; that has already been taken care of. Now when I am grocery shopping I can make more sustainable food choices. Nina, Eric, and I currently seem to be in a stand-off and we are waiting to see who is the first person to eat meat.

I enjoy meat because it was something that I was raised with; however, meat is not necessary to live a healthy life. I am angry for all of the years that my doctors told me I couldn’t be vegetarian because I am anemic. I am sad that I was yelled at for not eating a big steak the night before my last two blood tests in order to be cleared to play soccer. I eat fish and the figures in our food lecture actually say that those who eat fish have high levels of iron. How is my doctor so uninformed? Why is meat still being promoted when it isn’t sustainable and it isn’t even good for our own health?

I am ready to continue this sustainable journey. It will be a process and the pathways might be complicated and scary, but it’s better to try to adjust your habits then to not practice what you preach. I am thankful for the knowledge that I have obtained at CUSP.

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